August Newsletter 2022

Greetings, all. Hope you are enjoying this magnificent summer. It may be a bit too hot, and we may have had a bit--okay a lot--too much rain in Livingston and areas surrounding our beloved Yellowstone. At the same time, I am grateful every day for living where we live. I truly love Montana and the West. The barley fields behind our house have started to turn a lovely shade of gold. I love watching the wind create “amber waves of grain.” Truly beautiful. We recently harvested oodles of garlic from our garden, which we’ll enjoy all winter. Today we had our first salad made up of lettuce from our tiny garden. Boy, was that yummy. 

Our gig at the Manhattan Car and Farm show was an absolute blast. Thanks to all who made it out. Fantastic cars and fun farm animals to pet. I think my favorite moment was when a big ole mule bellowed from side stage at us. He was a bit off key, but sure sounded fine!

Lots of fun still to come this month! Check it out:

Saturday, August 6: Edis solo at The Kountry Korner Café, just south of Four Corners, 81820 Gallatin Road. Saturday is Prime Rib night, so bring your appetite! I’ll be plucking away at my acoustic Gibson and playing a variety of oldies, folk, country, and blues. 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Oh, and the homemade coconut cream pie is truly out of this world.

Friday, August 12: “Edis and the Incredibles” will have their debut performance at The Jump, an exciting new venue in Gallatin Gateway at 75770 Gallatin Rd! The best dance floor in town. Great food and full bar, too. The band consists of Edis on guitar and vocals, Cliff DeManty on keys and vocals, Greg Vallor on drums, and Michael Helland on bass. We’ll be playing some kick-up-your-heels favorites as well as some nice, slow waltzes to shine up your belt buckle. 8 pm to midnight. No cover.

Saturday, August 13: Sadly, the only day this month I will be back on KGLT for my “Blues by Heart” show—too many Saturday gigs this month! That’s 3 to 6 pm at 91.9 fm locally, or stream and find more frequencies at

Friday August 26: Edis and Cliff at Ted’s Montana Grill on the back patio. A local’s fav, enjoy some fine music and real Montana grub in the great outdoors. One of our favorite places to play. 105 West Main St., Bozeman, 6:30 to 9 p.m.

Saturday, August 27: Edis back at The Kountry Korner Café. Check out the description above for more info.

That’s it for now! Thanks for the support, and stay cool!

All the best,


Edis Kittrell