June Newsletter 2020

Greetings, my friends. This note is a long time coming. Not that I haven't thought about you all and about writing a monthly message in April and May, but I just didn't know what to write. Which leads me to my biggest point. The word for this time is “unknown.” It's unknown when musical venues will open backup, unknown when restaurants will start serving normally again, unknown whether or not a second wave will hit Montana as the tourists come in, etc. And, of course, there’s the volatile state of our country and—gulp—the upcoming 2020 election. As far as COVID, I have been extremely cautious for the past couple of months. Quite honestly and sadly, I am not too anxious to jump back into public venues right now.

With that said, things are starting to happen musically, albeit quite slowly. I will be posting on my website any gigs that come up. (www.edismusic.com) Most importantly, I wish for you all good health, good spirits, and much happiness. I have personally experienced unexpected positivity during this stay-at-home time off, as I imagine you have as well. It's been time for a reset button for all of us. I've realized I was much too busy and stressed. I realized I didn't take time to be present for my husband and to nurture our relationship because I was too busy. I also did not take enough time for my health and well-being. Since the shutdown, I've reconnected to my yoga practice--a shout out and gratitude to Nancy Ruby and Yoga Motion Wellness Academy for making so much available on YouTube and on zoom (www.yogamotion.com). It's been an absolute lifesaver. I have been doing more walks, more meditation, more self-reflection, and of course, worked on musical skills. I took the above photo of an arrowleaf balsamroot just yesterday on a walk. For all that I am so, so grateful.

Speaking about zoom and technology: My phone died this past week. Quite a revelation on my dependence upon that little black device. I spent a few fretful days trying to get a replacement. I have lost a lot of data, which is troubling. I’m realizing it was yet another wakeup call and metaphorical message for me on my device dependence and my disconnection with what is truly important. Actually, all our technology seemed to be going on the blink. Our landline, our internet, and even our electric garage door opener was only working sporadically. Sounds like a song, doesn’t it?

In conclusion, not much happening as far as public appearances right now. No word on when things may change, but please check my web site (www.edismusic.com). On KGLT fronts, we had postponed our annual fund drive, but will be doing a week long one starting Sunday the 7th till Saturday the 13th, which is when Larry Newman’s Country Folk show will be aired. See www.kglt.net for more info and incentive prizes. Call 406-994-4492 to make a pledge. Please.

Larry and I will be alternating weekends. I’ll be on this Saturday the 6th, 3 to 6 pm, and will let you know when the next week of fund drive takes place and falls on my Saturday.

Thank you again for all your support. I truly miss everyone and look forward to better times.

All the best,


Stacy Pahre